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dc.contributor.authorNiyongabire, Pacifique
dc.description.abstractIn the ever-changing banking landscape, attempts have been made to improve customer experiences and expedite operations. However, there remains a continuing difficulty at bank teller counters, where transactions are still done on paper, resulting in operational inefficiency and customer dissatisfaction. Despite its effort to provide excellent financial services, CRDB Bank Burundi confronts a similar difficulty. To remedy this, our project introduces a cutting edge biometric banking system for secure and paperless withdrawals at the bank teller desk. The development integrates modern biometric technology, such as fingerprint scanning and RFID card identification for customers with hand disabilities or contactless alternative. It is guided by a detailed investigation of existing banking inefficiencies. The system promotes client satisfaction by allowing personal interaction with bank tellers and integrating clear notifications via SMS, WhatsApp, and email after each transaction. Furthermore, the technology links fingerprints or cards to current bank accounts, allowing for faster withdrawals and a more secure banking environment. Extensive testing proves the system's dependability, efficiency, streamlined operations, and other features contributing to its effectiveness, paving the way for deployment. This initiative represents a paradigm leap in banking, offering clients a smooth and secure transaction experience.en_US
dc.titleBiometric banking system for effective paperless cash withdrawals at CRDB Bank Burundien_US

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