Masters Theses and Dissertations [CoCSE]: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 170
Development of a web-based system to enhance monitoring and evaluation of higher education centers of excellence in Africa
(NM-AIST, 2024-08)The World Bank launched the Eastern and Southern Africa Higher Education Centers of Excellence Project (ACE II) in 2016 to establish regional education and research centers in Africa. The initiative aims to train a ... -
Development of a Deep Learning-Based System for Enhanced Blind Spot Detection and Lane Departure Warning for the Kayoola Buses
(NM-AIST, 2024-07-22)Deep learning-based advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) have attracted interest from researchers due to their impact on improving vehicle safety and reducing road traffic accidents. In Uganda, road accidents have ... -
A remote vehicle health monitoring system: a case study of the kayoola electric vehicles
(NM-AIST, 2023-07)Due to their complex hardware and software, vehicle systems are challenging to monitor and maintain. As a result, the absence of proper vehicle health monitoring systems leads to several issues, including resource waste, ... -
The artificial neural networks-based smart number plate of vehicles with real-time traffic signs recognition and notification: a case study of public transport in EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY (EAC)
(NM-AIST, 2023-08)The world is advancing technologically in all sectors, including intelligent transportation, whereby various vehicles' movements are monitored and controlled remotely. These technologies simplify the tasks in traffic ... -
Development of early warning system for human wildlife conflict using deep learning, iot and sms
(NM-AIST, 2023-08)Human-wildlife conflict is a significant challenge to communities living in areas close to wildlife game parks and reserves. It is more evident in the United Republic of Tanzania whose economy depends on agriculture and ... -
Brix and alcohol content monitoring using wireless sensor network
(NM-AIST, 2023-08)The fermentation process plays a vital role in the production of wine and beer by converting Brix (Sugar) into alcohol. Consequently, monitoring this fermentation is crucial for breweries to ensure the quality of their ... -
Real-time IoT-based air quality monitoring and health hazards indicator system for mines regions: a case study of Bulyanhulu gold mine
(NM-AIST, 2023-07)Air quality in mining regions is a significant concern due to the potential release of pollutants from mining activities and associated processes. The proximity of mining operations to communities can have detrimental ... -
Smart system for monitoring and controlling oxygen gas level in high purity germanium detector room: a case study of Tanzania atomic energy commission, Arusha-Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2023-07)Low-oxygen air causes death all around the world. Even though the number of fatalities varies from year to year and location to location, nitrogen gas replaces oxygen in the atmosphere, increasing its percentage to less ... -
The needs and opportunities for housing improvement for malaria control in Southern Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2023-07)There is evidence that mosquito-proofed houses can reduce malaria risk. However, housing improvement is rarely included in malaria control toolboxes. This study assessed the need, magnitude, and opportunities for housing ... -
Development of a remote road traffic accidents tracking and reporting system for Kayoola buses
(NM-AIST, 2023-08)Motor vehicles continue to improve in safety each year, resulting in a decline in fatality rates. However, car crashes remain a significant concern for the automotive industry as the goal is to eliminate accidents ... -
Modeling transmission dynamics and control of anthrax
(NM-AIST, 2019-03)Anthrax is a zoonotic disease caused by Bacillus anthraces. In this study the deterministic mathematical models for transmission dynamics of anthrax in absence and presence of control strategies in humans and animals are ... -
Modeling the dynamics and control of cassava mosaic disease
(NM-AIST, 2019-03)Cassava mosaic disease (CMD) is caused by cassava mosaic virus (CMV) and is transmitted by the whitefly vector called Bemisia tabaci. In this study, the deterministic model for transmission dynamics of CMD is formulated ... -
Modelling optimal control of harvested prey predator system incorporating a prey refuge
(NM-AIST, 2019-03)prey-predator interactions have been an important role in the dynamics of species populations. This work presents mathematical model for Modelling Optimal control of Harvested prey- predator system incorporating a prey ... -
A web-based platform for reliable market linkage between poultry farmers and potential buyers in Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2019-03)In Tanzania the advancement of technology has brought about affordable smartphones to most of livestock farmers. However, despite this potential, livestock farmers have limited utilization and access to livestock information ... -
Development of web and android applications for management of railway data aggregation and analysis for Tanzania railway corporatio
(NM-AIST, 2023-08)Railway transportation is one of the oldest forms of transportation that created links to populated and unpopulated parts of the world with railway tracks constructed through remote areas in earlier days. The ever-growing ... -
The attendance alert based biometric system for employees using fingerprint: a case of hope Africa university, Bujumbura-Burundi
(NM-AIST, 2023-08)Attendance has been used as a key to success in all disciplines worldwide. Most institutions’ officers make efforts to monitor the attendance of their employees in their daily activities. However, most of the applied ... -
User-side wi-fi hotspot spoofing detection on android-based devices
(NM-AIST, 2022-06)Network spoofing is becoming a common attack in wireless networks. Similarly, there is a rapid growth of numbers in mobile devices in the working environments. The trends pose a huge threat to users since they become ... -
Smart system for monitoring and controlling oxygen gas level in high purity germanium detector room: a case study of Tanzania atomic energy commission, Arusha-Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2023-07)Low-oxygen air causes death all around the world. Even though the number of fatalities varies from year to year and location to location, nitrogen gas replaces oxygen in the atmosphere, increasing its percentage to ... -
Modeling the transmission dynamics and control of cassava mosaic disease with non-cassava host plants
(NM-AIST, 2023-08)For many years cassava mosaic disease hinders cassava production in Africa. In this study, the mathematical model for the transmission dynamics and control of cassava mosaic disease in cassava and non-cassava host plant ... -
Mobile-based peer-to-peer learning prototype for smallholder dairy producers
(NM-AIST, 2023-06)About half of Africa's animal production comes from smallholder dairy farmers, who employ various strategies to maximize milk output. Some time-consuming and expensive heuristics are used by smallholder dairy farmers to ...