PhD Theses and Dissertations [CoCSE]: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 44
Mathematical models for the infectiology and cost-effectiveness of the control strategies for brucellosis
(NM-AIST, 2021-06)Brucellosis is a contagious zoonotic infection caused by Gram-negative bacteria of family Bru cellaceae and genus Brucella that affects humans and animals. The disease is of economic sig nificance, veterinary interest and ... -
Mathematical models of trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense disease transmission and control strategies
(NM-AIST, 2021-06)Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT), also known as sleeping sickness is a neglected dis ease that impacts 70 million people living in 1.55 million km2 in sub-Saharan Africa. The disease strikes predominantly poor populations ... -
Mathematical models for the dynamics of health related risks associated with alcoholism and its control strategy in Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2021-08)Alcoholic behavior has continually posed health challenges in many communities for decades. Referring to Tanzanian situation, this study presents a more realistic model for the dynamics of health risks associated with ... -
Enhanced m-learning assistive technology to support visually impaired learners in Tanzania the case of higher learning institution
(NM-AIST, 2021-03)The growing penetration of mobile and networked devices, for example, standard phones, smartphones and tablets have gradually transformed the mode of teaching and learning in Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs). The ... -
A novel framework for the use of mobile applications in inducing smallholder-farmers’ response to farming as a business via benchmarking
(NM-AIST, 2021-06)Farming as a business (FAAB) is currently acknowledged as the best route out of poverty for the majority of rural poor farmers in developing countries like Tanzania. Supporting farmers to participate in FAAB translates ... -
Development of an intelligent tracking system for monitoring rhinos and elephants: A case study of Ngorongoro conservation area
(NM-AIST, 2021-06)Events such as poaching, accidents, unexpected adverse health events (e.g., heart problems, seizures, heart stroke, dizziness, breathing problems, bleeding and broken bones) have adverse impact on animals’ health. Many ... -
Development of secured algorithm to enhance the privacy and security template of biometric technology
(NM-AIST, 2020-03)The security of information and personal privacy are the growing concerns in today’s human life worldwide. The storage of biometric data in the database has raised the prospect of compromising the database leading to ... -
Energy efficient wireless sensor network for monitoring temperature and relative humidity in forest
(NM-AIST, 2020-04)Monitoring the forest‟s weather has been essential to living things over the years. Currently, there is a shortage of information on real-time temporal and spatial environmental conditions of the forest that drive forest ... -
Data driven approach for predicting student dropout in secondary schools
(NM-AIST, 2020-06)Student dropout is among the challenges that face most schools in developing countries particularly in Africa. In Tanzania alone, student dropout in secondary schools is pronounced to be around 36%. In addressing the ... -
A reference machine learning model for prediction of cholera epidemics based-on seasonal weather changes linkages in Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2020-08)The Cholera epidemic remains a public threat throughout history, affecting vulnerable populations living with unreliable water and sub-standard sanitary conditions. Studies have observed that the occurrence of cholera ... -
Machine learning models for predicting decisions to be made by small scale dairy farmers in Eastern Africa
(NM-AIST, 2020-03)In dairy, lack of decision support tools for identifying farmers' needs and demands have caused many programs, strategies, and projects to fail. This has led to the inefficient and fragmented allocation of scarce development ... -
Use of agent – based models in characterizing farm types and evolvement in smallholder dairy systems
(NM-AIST, 2020-04)The ever-increasing demand for milk and dairy products has attracted research interventions on how milk yield can be increased for the context of smallholder farmers. While bearing significant contribution on milk ... -
A secure and interoperable blockchain-based information sharing system for healthcare providers in developing countries
(NM-AIST, 2020-03)Systems in the health sector are very crucial for human life and they should be efficient, reliable and secure. Unfortunately, electronic health record (EHR) systems do not work effectively when managing multi-institutional ... -
Mathematical modeling of the effect of seasonal weather variations on the dynamics of plague disease
(NM-AIST, 2019-02)A mathematical model to study the effect of seasonal weather variation on the dynamics of plague disease is developed and analyzed. Apart from being historical, plague disease caused by a gram negative bacteria called ... -
Modeling the dynamics, control and economic loss of newcastle disease in village chicken: a case of Pwani region in Tanzania
(2019-03)Newcastle disease (ND) is a highly contagious viral bird disease affecting the domestic and other wild birds. The disease is a major threat to the farming of village chicken by small, medium, and large scale farmers. In ... -
Optimization of dividend payouts and reinsurance policies under a set ruin probability target
(NM-AIST, 2019-03)This dissertation is devoted to the mathematical investigation of the topic: Optimization of Dividend Payouts and Reinsurance Policies under a Set Ruin Probability Target. Its purposes are, first, to determine the optimal ... -
A framework for enhancing sustainable access and use of agricultural market information by small-scale farmers in Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2018-08)Agriculture in African developing countries employs majorities and contributes greatly to both human development and national economies. Despite its significance, the sector is dominated by small scale farmers living in ... -
Broadband last-mile connectivity model for effective bandwidth utilization in rural and urban-underserved areas
(NM-AIST, 2019-03)Broadband last-mile connectivity is a necessary access infrastructure to bridge the digital divide which is more pronounced in rural areas and is also a means to drive the utilization of international bandwidth that is ... -
A novel framework for secure e-commerce transactions: a case of Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2019-03)The Internet technology development is building a huge opportunity to expand existing businesses and forming what is called a Global Economy, New Economy, or Electronic Commerce (eCommerce). General, eCommerce portrays ... -
Monitoring of the grain crops in storage facilities through wireless communication technology
(NM-AIST, 2018-09)The storage condition measurement of grain crops is almost non-invasive to date; most of the technologies can be used to monitor the storage. Electromagnetic radiation is still popular wireless technique for grain storage ...